World of warcraft: the world's top guilds

Apr-02-2019 PST Category: WoW

Guilds are a much more cohesive presence in the game than temporary teams. So far, in the history of world of warcraft has been born many of the world's top guild, they in countless versions of the highest honor of the game, by the majority of ordinary players look up, even blizzard went to dig people.

Old world Kings: the Nihilum

Server: marcelyton (European service)

This guild was the king of the classic ages and the burning crusade in the eyes of millions of older players in the pre-blooming age. Most of the Nihilum guild members are from the game everquest, which has a good MMORPG game base. The Nhilum's achievements include: orro and kersuen, the world's first to kill the BOSS of the temple of anhila, and kersugard, who claimed to be the strongest in the 1960s; In the time of TBC, they took the first kill of illidan and archimonde.

Regicide: Paragon

Server: lightning blade (European service)

In the WLK era, the Nhilum guild announced a partnership with SKGaming, the first company to kill the sunwell kiljaedan, to enter the ice cap fortress. But to their surprise, another powerful team from the same European clothing rise suddenly, it is the Paragon guild, also known as the national service players fear husband. Of all the amazing achievements of the Paragon guild, the most notable one was that on March 3, 2010 solstice won 10 and 25 heroes in a row on March 26. Before that, almost everyone thought that HLK needed to be weakened by at least 15%, but Paragon achieved this feat with only 5% BUFF.

National pride: stars

Server: lothar/tularyan/odaman (Asian service)

Starcraft was founded on July 24, 2004. It is composed of the old guild "zero bound" and some players of everquest. The star's brilliance lies in the fact that they killed the first 25 people in the world in zero-light mode, and the BOSS was called by numerous top foreign guilds as the "unkillable bottom". In the eyes of most veteran players of national service, starcraft is the first guild to elevate the PVE level of Chinese players to an unprecedented level in the world, and its existence is a milestone in the history of national service.

Light of Asia: alpha

Server: loning (Asian service)

On February 9, Beijing time, alpha guild killed jaina in the 8.1 version of epic mode, and achieved the world's third, Asia's first proud results. And before this, the alpha guild also had won M agus, M kiljaedan and so on the end of the guan fu first kill. Arguably, this emerging group of old-style guild members has matured into something that can compete with European traditions. All in all, let's see in 8.2!

King over the world: Method

Server: twisting nether (European service)

Behind the birth of the king has always been those people do not know the sad past, in many years ago, Method had been referred to as the "Method", in front of them has always been Paragon such a ghostly existence. From H big screw to H heart of fear, they all missed out on the world's first kill. However, in the later versions, Method accumulated little and accumulated much, and successively took down the world's first killing of the BOSS. Method association is by far the best in the world. Even today, when the players make fun of the fact that "the team BOSS's survival time is getting shorter and shorter", the record achieved by Method is still second to none. After the first killing of M, the President of Method guild and the other two core members even got the offer from blizzard and completed the transition from game player to copy designer.

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