​Madden 22 Zero Chill: How to Get Free Calvin Johnson Card in Ultimate Team

Dec-13-2021 PST Category: Madden 22

Megatron himself is back in Madden's Ultimate Team mode! Truth be told, Calvin Johnson is accessible for MUT lists. The previous Detroit Lions star recipient is important for the Madden 22 Zero Chill advancement, which elements updated cards for players. Gamers can add a free form of Calvin Johnson to their Ultimate Team lists. Here are the full subtleties on getting the new Zero Chill thing added to your crew.

Peyton Manning, Calvin Johnson part of Madden 22 Zero Chill promotion

With each large advancement that EA carries out for the Madden computer game, there's normally a sweet invite pack for Ultimate Team. Those packs as a rule incorporate a free player thing for Ultimate Team only for signing in.

With Madden 22 Zero Chill promotion, numerous gamers will get a Welcome Pack highlighting a 86 generally speaking Peyton Manning card. In case you're needing a fair QB, then, at that point, that might be an incredible card for your MUT. Notwithstanding, most won't require it and can Quicksell the thing for 4,400 Snowflakes to use in Zero Chill.

There's a superior form of Manning accessible, as uncovered in the secret clasp underneath. It's a 95 by and large card that highlights Hot Route Master and Gunslinger capacities when controlled up. That is the main QB in MUT who can get both.

Notwithstanding that free card, there's another accessible, with a free Calvin Johnson 92 OVR card, however it will require a few stages to obtain. The Calvin Johnson Zero chill is an Out of Position (OOP) card with the collector in the free wellbeing position. Gamers have seen this with past Madden games placing Megatron in that cautious program region.

Megatron likewise has one more card in the promotion. Johnson's 95 OVR Zero Chill thing incorporates 95 Play Recognition, Jumping, Awareness, and Agility ascribes. There's likewise 93 Speed, 92 Acceleration, and 93 Zone Coverage. The card has an enhancer previously remembered for the thing. To drive up Johnson, you'll simply spend Madden Training to help his OVR by one.

Likewise, Zero Chill has an assortment of other headliners with new cards as of late added to the game. Those incorporate 92 OVR Cordarrelle Patterson and 90 OVR Randy Moss. We might see a few more Zero Chill players in the days/weeks ahead for Ultimate Team.

Instructions to get free Calvin Johnson card in Ultimate Team mode

EA uncovered there's a free Madden 22 Zero Chill Calvin Johnson card on Friday, December 10. It's a 92 generally speaking card with Megatron playing Free Safety. Assuming that you've effectively got a card of Johnson in your group at collector, presently you can likewise have him on protection.

To get the Zero Chill thing, gamers need to have a functioning EA account (which Ultimate Team requires). Also, you'll should be an Amazon Prime part and have Prime Gaming initiated, with your EA account connected to Prime.

As per Prime Gaming, this is what their administration incorporates with Madden 22 and Zero Chill:

This exceptional Madden 22 deal incorporates 12 Prime Gaming reward packs, 1 every month more than a year time frame. The most current Zero Chill pack incorporates 1x 92 OVR Calvin Johnson (NCAT Player).

This is the way to get the free Calvin Johnson:

Ensure you're endorsed into your EA account, which Ultimate Team players need to utilize the mode.

Then, you'll need to ensure you're endorsed into your Amazon account with Prime.

Have Prime Gaming actuated. Your EA and Prime records should be connected.

In conclusion, head over to Prime Gaming Loot here to guarantee your award!

This is all you need to do to receive free Calvin Johnson items for Madden 22 Zero Chill. If you want to make your lineup stronger, I suggest you go to MMOexp to buy Madden 22 Coins, which will help you a lot.