Elden Ring: How to Open the Locked Rennala Chest in Raya Lucaria Grand Library

Aug-26-2024 PST Category: Elden Ring

After defeating Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon, within the Raya Lucaria Grand Library in Elden Ring, you might notice a locked chest sitting near the Queen. Unlike other containers scattered across the Lands Between, this chest is sealed tight, preventing you from accessing its contents. There's no key nearby, and the solution to unlocking this chest lies not within the library but within the questline of a particular NPC: Ranni the Witch.

Meeting Ranni: The First Step

To unlock Rennala's chest, you must engage in the questline of Ranni, the Lunar Princess and Demigod. Your journey with Ranni begins early in the game, shortly after you acquire Torrent, your spectral steed. You can find Ranni near the Church of Elleh during this stage of your travels. However, the real progression of her questline begins much later, after you've faced and defeated Starscourge Radahn, one of the most formidable bosses in Elden Ring.

Once Radahn is defeated, the stars, previously held in place by his gravitational powers, will begin to move again, revealing a massive crater in Limgrave. This crater grants access to the underground region known as Nokron, Eternal City. This is where Ranni's quest truly begins.

Following the Path of the Dark Moon

After the battle with Radahn, return to Ranni's Rise, her tower in Liurnia of the Lakes. Here, you'll meet Ranni and her loyal subordinates, including Blaidd the Half-Wolf. Ranni will task you with retrieving the Fingerslayer Blade, an item crucial to her plans. This blade is hidden deep within the Night's Sacred Ground, a dangerous area within Nokron.

Once you've obtained the Fingerslayer Blade and handed it over to Ranni, she will disappear from her tower, leaving you to continue her quest alone. The next step involves using a portal in Renna's Rise, the adjacent tower to Ranni's, which will transport you to the northern region of the Ainsel River.

The Miniature Ranni and the Baleful Shadow

In Ainsel River, you'll find the Miniature Ranni doll, a pocket-sized version of the Witch herself. Speak to the doll several times at the Site of Grace in Ainsel River Main, and eventually, she will respond. Ranni will then instruct you to defeat the Baleful Shadow, an assassin of the Two Fingers, lurking in the subterranean depths.

The Baleful Shadow is located within a cave south of Nokstella, Eternal City, near the Nokstella Waterfall Basin. This enemy, while not as formidable as some of the game's main bosses, is still a significant challenge. It possesses a variety of powerful attacks, including Spinning Slash, Sword Swings, and a deadly Leaping Strike, all of which can deal substantial damage if you're not prepared.

Defeating the Baleful Shadow

The key to defeating the Baleful Shadow lies in exploiting its weaknesses. The Shadow is vulnerable to Magic and Frost-based attacks, with Lightning damage also proving somewhat effective. Weapons and Sorceries that inflict Frostbite will be particularly useful, as they can deal massive damage when the status effect triggers.

Make sure to equip Talismans or consumables that offer resistance to Holy and Physical damage, as these are the primary types of attacks the Baleful Shadow uses. Remember, the Shadow can heal itself five times during the fight, so focus on dealing as much damage as possible to prevent the battle from dragging on.

Once you've defeated the Baleful Shadow, it will drop the Discarded Palace Key. This is the item you need to unlock the mysterious chest near Rennala in the Raya Lucaria Grand Library.

Unlocking the Rennala Chest

With the Discarded Palace Key in hand, return to the Grand Library where Rennala awaits. Approach the locked chest and use the key to open it. Inside, you will find the Dark Moon Ring, a key item that plays a crucial role in the final stages of Ranni's questline.

Completing Ranni's Questline

After unlocking the chest, your journey with Ranni continues. You'll need to return to Ainsel River and make your way through the treacherous Lake of Rot, eventually facing the formidable boss, Astel, Naturalborn of the Void. Once Astel is defeated, you can proceed to the Cathedral of Manus Celes, where the final chapter of Ranni's story unfolds.

The Dark Moon Ring found in Rennala's chest is essential to completing this questline, leading to one of the multiple endings in Elden Ring. As you continue your journey with Ranni, you'll uncover more about her enigmatic character and the mysterious forces that shape the world of the Lands Between.

Unlocking Rennala's chest is more than just a simple puzzle—it's a gateway to deeper lore and one of the most rewarding questlines in Elden Ring. By following Ranni's path, you'll not only gain valuable items but also experience one of the game's most intriguing stories, culminating in a conclusion that resonates long after the credits roll.

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